(1) The Central Administration Department is the Secretariat of the District Assembly and shall be responsible for the provision of support” services, effective and efficient general administration and organization of the District Assembly
(2) The Department shall manage all sections of the assembly including:
(i) Records
(ii) Estate
(iii) Transport
(iv) Logistics and Procurement
(v) Accounts
(vi) Stores
(vii) Security and
(viii) Human Resources Management
(3) The Department shall also coordinate the
(a) General administrative functions
(b) Development planning and management functions
(c) Budgeting functions
(d) Rating functions
(e) Statistics and information services generally, and
(f) Human Resource Planning and Development of the District Assembly.
(1) The Finance Department is responsible for the sound financial management of the District Assembly’s resources.
(2)The Finance Department shall
(a) ensure access at all reasonable times to files, documents and other records of the District Assembly;
(b) keep, render and publish statements on Public Accounts;
(c) keep receipts and custody of all public and trust monies payable into the Consolidated Fund;
(d) facilitate the disbursement of legitimate and authorized funds;
(e) prepare financial reports at specific periods for the Assembly;
(f) prepare payment vouchers and financial encumbrances;
(g) undertake revenue mobilization activities of the Assembly, and
(h) make provision for financial services to all departments in the District.
(1) The department of Health at the District Assembly level consists of the office of the District Medical Officer of Health and the Environmental Health Unit.
(2) The functions of the Department of Health are to:
(a) advise on the construction and rehabilitation of clinics and health centers or facilities;
(b) assist in the operation and maintenance of all health facilities under the jurisdiction of the regional and district coordinating council;
(c) assist to undertake health education and family immunization and nutrition programmes;
(d) coordinate works of health centers or posts or community based health workers;
(e) facilitate collection and analysis of data on health;
(f) promote and encourage good health and sanitation;
(g) facilitate diseases control and prevention;
(h) advise on management of the sick;
(i) assist to formulate, plan and implement district health policies within the framework of national health policies and guidelines provided by the Minister of Health;
(j) provide reports on the implementation of policies and programmes relating to health in the District Assembly;
(k) advise the Assembly on all matters relating to health including diseases in the district;
(l) advise on the:
(i) appointment, discipline, posting and transfer of health personnel within the district,
(ii) formulation and appointment of District Health management Committee, Advisory Boards, Committee of District Hospital, Polyclinics and Health Centers,
(iii) supervision and control of all District health Institutions, and
(iv) collection of health statistical data and other relevant information,
(m) advise on the licensing and regulation of provision of medical care services by the private sector in the district;
(n) facilitate activities relating to mass immunization and screening for diseases treatment in the district.
(0) assist to educate and inform residents of the district on sanitation and personal hygiene;
(p) facilitate and assist in regular inspection of the district for detection of nuisance of any condition likely to be offensive or injurious to human health;
(q) assist in efficient management of clinical care, community health care and environmental health service in the district infrastructure, to clean the District hospital, polyclinics, health posts and dressing stations;
(r) assist to establish, install, build and control public latrines, lavatories, urinals and wash places;
(s) assist the Assemblies in the licensing of persons to build and operate public latrines, lavatories, urinals, washhouses and related services in the District;
(t) monitor the activities of the operators and report to the District Assembly;
(u) assist to establish, maintain and carry out services for the removal and treatment of liquid waste;
(v) advise on the regulation and provision of services for removal and treatment of liquid waste by the private sector, persons authorized or licensed by the District Assembly;
(w) assist to establish, maintain and carry out the removal and disposal of refuse, filth and carcasses of dead animals from any public place;
(x) assist in the disposal of dead bodies found in the district.
(y) advise on the regulation and provision of services by the private sector licensed by the District Assembly for the removal, disposal and processing of refuse, filth and carcasses of animals;
(z) assist to regulate any trade or business which may be harmful or injurious to public health or a source of danger to the public or which otherwise is in the public interest to regulate;
(aa) assist to provide for the inspection of meat, fish, vegetables and other foodstuff and liquids of whatever kind or nature, whether intended for sale or not and to seize, destroy and otherwise deal with such foodstuff or liquids as are unfit for human consumption;
(bb) facilitate supervision and control of the manufacture of foodstuffs and liquids of whatever kind or nature intended for human consumption;
(cc) assist to provide, maintain, supervise and control slaughter houses and pounds and all such matters and things as may be necessary for the convenient use of such slaughter houses;
(dd) advise on licensing of persons and regulation of the provision of slaughter houses and related services;
(ee) facilitate the prevention and dealing with the outbreak and prevalence of any diseases;
(ff) advise on the prevention of the spreading and extermination of tsetse fly, mosquitoes, rats, bugs and other vermin in the district;
(gg) advise on the establishment and maintenance of cemeteries and crematoria; or
(hh) advise and encourage the keeping of animals in the district including horses, cattle, sheep and goats, domestic pets and poultry; and
(ii) assist in the control of noise, odour, dust and smoke pollution.
The Agriculture Department in the District shall:
(a) participate in provision of extension services in the areas of natural resources management, and rural infrastructural and small scale irrigation in the district;
(b) assist in the formulation and implementation of agricultural policy for the District Assembly within the framework of national policies;
(c) submit report on the implementation of policies and programmes to the District Assembly;
(d) advise the District Assembly on matters related to agricultural development in the district;
(e) promote extension services to farmers;
(f) assist and participate in on-farm adaptive research;
(g) lead the collection of data for analysis on cost effective farming enterprises;
(h) participate in the education and enforcement of legislation on fisheries;
(i) promote the formation of viable fishermen associations and assist in fish farming;
(j) promote soil and water conservation measures by the appropriate agricultural technology;
(k) disseminate and adopt improved soil and water conservation methods;
(l) promote agro-forestry development to reduce the incidence of bush fires;
(m) promote an effective and integrated water management;
(n) assist and facilitate sustained pasture and forage production and act as out grower to farmers;
(0) assist development of animal health services infrastructure;
(p) facilitate the development, operation and maintenance of livestock water supplies;
(q) assist in developing forage production, ranges and farmlands;
(r) encourage improvement in livestock breeds;
(s) assist in developing early warning systems on animals diseases;
(t) facilitate and encourage vaccination and immunization of livestock and control of animal diseases;
(u) advise and encourage crop development through nursery propagation;
(v) assist in the development, rehabilitation and maintenance of small scale irrigation schemes;
(w) facilitate the assessment of the economic, financial and environmental viability of providing canals;
(x) assist the construction, rehabilitation and maintenance of fish landing sites;
(y) promote aggro-processing and storage;
(i) facilitate the development of programmes and the establishment of close linkage between the various sub-sectors in the district;
(ii) supervise the agricultural extension staff in the field;
(iii) co-ordinate the systematic and regular training of frontline staff;
(iv) monitor and evaluate projects;
(v) promote investment in agriculture by assisting to identify and prepare pre-feasibility reports;
(vi) develop proposal writing capacity at the district level;
(vii) facilitate capacity building at the district level through training, workshops and other related activities; and
(viii) assist to supervise projects planned, designed and implement centrally.
(1) The Department of Physical Planning at the District level shall manage the activities of the Department of Town and Country Planning and the Department of Parks and Gardens.
(2) The Department shall
(a) advise the District Assembly on national policies on physical planning, land use and development;
(b) co-ordinate activities and projects of departments and other agencies including Non-Governmental Organizations to ensure compliance with planning standards;
(c) assist in preparation of physical plans as a guide for the formulation of development policies and decisions and to design projects in the district;
(d) assist to identify problems concerning the development of land and its social, environmental and economic implications;
(e) advise on setting out approved plans for future development of land at the district level;
(g) advise on preparation of structures for towns and villages within the district;
(h) collaborate with the Survey Unit in the performance of its functions;
(i) facilitate and participate in research into planning in the District;
(j) assist to offer professional advice to aggrieved persons on appeals and petitions on decisions made on their building;
(k) facilitate consultation, co-ordination and harmonization of developmental decisions into a physical development plan;
(I) assist to prepare a District Land-Use Plan to guide activities in the district;
(m) advise on the conditions for the construction of public and private buildings and structures;
(n) assist to provide the layout for buildings for improved housing layout and settlement;
(0) ensure the prohibition of the construction of new buildings unless building plans submitted have been approved by the Assembly;
(p) advise and facilitate the demolition of dilapidated buildings and recovery of expenses incurred in connection with the demolition;
(q) ensure the prohibition of the use of inflammable materials in the construction or repair of buildings in defined areas;
(r) advise the Assembly on the siting of bill boards, masts and ensure compliance with the decisions of the Assembly;
(s) advise on the acquisition of landed property in the public interest; and
(t) undertake street naming, numbering of house and related Issues.
(1) The Social Welfare and Community Development Department shall assist the Assembly to formulate and implement social welfare and community development policies within the framework of national policy.
(2) The Department shall
(a) facilitate community-based rehabilitation of persons with disabilities;
(b) assist and facilitate provision of community care services including:
(i) registration of persons with disabilities;
(ii) assistance to the aged;
(iii) personal. social welfare services;
(iv) hospital welfare services;
(v) assistance to street children, child survival and development; and
(vi) socio-economic and emotional stability in families;
(c) assist to maintain specialized residential services in the districts;
(d) facilitate the registration and supervision of non-governmental organizations and their activities in the district;
(e) assist to organize community development programmes to improve and enrich rural life through:
(i) Literacy and adult education classes;
(ii) Voluntary contribution and communal labour for the provision of facilities and services such as water, schools, library, community centres and public places of convenience or;
(iii) teaching deprived or rural women in home management and child care.